Title: Affliction, Part 13/13 Author: illyriaone (Thesseli) Pairing: Colin/Ryan Rating: R Summary: I once swore I would never write a vampire story... Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Type of Feedback Desired: Any.
Title: Affliction, Part 12/13 Author: illyriaone (Thesseli) Pairing: Colin/Ryan Rating: R Summary: I once swore I would never write a vampire story... Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Type of Feedback Desired: Any.
Title: Affliction, Part 11/13 Author: illyriaone (Thesseli) Pairing: Colin/Ryan Rating: R Summary: I once swore I would never write a vampire story... Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Type of Feedback Desired: Any.
Title: Affliction, Part 10/13 Author: illyriaone (Thesseli) Pairing: Colin/Ryan Rating: R Summary: I once swore I would never write a vampire story... Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Type of Feedback Desired: Any.
Title: Affliction, Part 9/13 Author: illyriaone (Thesseli) Pairing: Colin/Ryan Rating: R Summary: I once swore I would never write a vampire story... Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Type of Feedback Desired: Any.
Title: Affliction, Part 8/13 Author: illyriaone (Thesseli) Pairing: Colin/Ryan Rating: R Summary: I once swore I would never write a vampire story... Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Type of Feedback Desired: Any.
Title: Affliction, Part 7/13 Author: illyriaone (Thesseli) Pairing: Colin/Ryan Rating: R Summary: I once swore I would never write a vampire story... Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Type of Feedback Desired: Any.
Title: Affliction, Part 6/13 Author: illyriaone (Thesseli) Pairing: Colin/Ryan Rating: R Summary: I once swore I would never write a vampire story... Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Type of Feedback Desired: Any.
Title: Affliction, Part 5/13 Author: illyriaone (Thesseli) Pairing: Colin/Ryan Rating: R Summary: I once swore I would never write a vampire story... Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Type of Feedback Desired: Any.